Hi! I hope you are feeling awesome today. This post is going to be about disappointing dates :)

For full disclosure I have been on dates with about 12 to 15 people in my life (there is a range because three of them were “trap dates” meaning I did not know I was in one until well into the night…ah well…). Two of them were awesome and led to relationships (ahem...but no ring!). One of which had me thinking afterward “wow. That was boring” and actually led to marriage (Lol! I will blog about it)

This post is going to be about why some dates never led to anything more. Sorry, if you were one of them and you read this. Yes it is personal. Yes it is you, not me! Someone already loves you and is going to love you boo. I will be straight to the point.

  • He asked me about what my dream job was. At the time, I always thought opening an orphanage and paying through the kids’ education was the dream. He laughed at me.
  • He asked me “Do you even cook?”
  • He said “You Independent Women” about something or other…
  • He ordered #15 on the menu. I mean the menu goes 1) food item and 2) price. Alternatively, some menus go 1) foot item number and 2) food item. So if it reads “Shrimp Cocktail….15” you must know not to say to the waiter you want #15. Goooshhh!
  • He did not understand the merit of higher education and wanted to debate about it. Bro you’ are talking to someone who just told you they got a $90K Loan for a Master’s Degree…bro what you doing?

That is the tea for today! Why are some of the reasons why the date ended early for you?

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